Penicillin G Risk Summary

Risk Factor: BM
Class: ANTI-INFECTIVES / Penicillins

Fetal Risk Summary

Benzathine penicillin G is a combination of an ammonium base and penicillin G suspended in water (see also Penicillin G). Reproduction studies in mice, rats and rabbits have revealed no evidence of impaired fertility or fetal harm (1).

The pharmacokinetics of benzathine penicillin G in healthy women at 3839 weeks' gestation, 17 days before delivery, have been described (2). Penicillin concentrations were measured in maternal serum, maternal cerebrospinal fluid, cord serum, and amniotic fluid. Because of the wide range of concentrations measured, the authors concluded that the altered pharmacokinetics occurring at this time may adversely affect the efficacy of the drug to prevent congenital syphilis.

Breast Feeding Summary

See Penicillin G.


  1. Product information. Bicillin L-A. Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals, 2000.
  2. Nathan L, Bawdon RE, Sidawi JE, Stettler RW, McIntire DM, Wendel GD Jr. Penicillin levels following the administration of benzathine penicillin G in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 1993;82:33842.

Questions and Answers

What do the G or V of Penicillin (as in Penicillin G or V) means? Where does it come from?, I've been looking for that answer in several articles on the net, but none of them seems to tell why it was named as such.
i think i remember seeing somewhere that it was because several penicillin tryouts where made at a given moment, and a few ones, naming G, V, F or X worked (A, B, C, etc didnt work i think)...but, i dont know if thats true. is there a website i can find to look for an answer?? thanks in advance

Penicillin V is the ORAL form of Penicillin and is indicated for minor infections only. Because of its relatively poor bioavailability, the need for dosing four times a day and its narrow antibacterial spectrum, the antibiotic Amoxicillin is used instead.

On the other hand, Penicillin G is the IV form of Penicillin. Penicillin G is the drug of choice for infections caused by Streptococci, Meningococci, Enterococci, Penicillin-susceptible pneumococci, non beta-lactamase producing staphylococci, Treponema pallidum, Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium species, Actinomyces and other gram positive rods and non beta-lactamase producing gram negative anaerobic organisms. Penicillin G's effective doses usually range between 4 to 24 million units per day and administered IV (intravenously) in 4 to 6 divided doses.

Other forms of Penicillin G are Benzathine Penicillin and Procaine Penicillin. Benzathine Penicillin is satisfactory for the treatment of beta-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis (1.2 million units intramuscularly administered). Procaine Penicillin G is rarely used at present due to many strains that are resistant to it.

i hope this helped you!

Why is it that procaine penicillin G is usually administered as an oil suspension?, Help! I need an answer immediately.

penicillins dissolve in water too easily, and thus are absorbed too quickly when the object is to have a long acting preparation.

aquous penicillin G procaine (along with aluminum sterate) suspended in oil is absorbed much more slowly as it has a low solubility in oil.

the result is a much slower rate of dissolution, and that slows down absorption.

How can I get the process flow diagram(PDF) of ezymatic synthesis of amphicillin from Penicillin G?,

this is not a engineering question

What are the different indications for Penicillin G and Pen V?, And what is the difference between Pen G and Pen V

Benzylpenicillin, commonly known as penicillin G, is the gold standard penicillin. Penicillin G is typically given by a parenteral route of administration because it is unstable to the hydrochloric acid of the stomach. Because the drug is given parenterally, higher tissue concentrations of penicillin G can be achieved than is possible with phenoxymethylpenicillin. These higher concentrations translate to increased antibacterial activity.

Phenoxymethylpenicillin, commonly known as penicillin V, is the orally-active form of penicillin. It is less active than benzylpenicillin, however, and is only appropriate in conditions where high tissue concentrations are not required.

How can I find the PDF of enzymatic synthesis of amphicillin antibiotic from penicillin G?, -this is a biochemical engineering question
-the PDF must have standard engineering drawing symbol

If you are taking about a process flow diagram (PFD) for the synthesis of that antibiotic, best thing to do if you understand the chemistry behind the synthesis is to use a software package like Aspen to come up with the antibiotic. If not go go looking for published papers, some that are for sale, there you will have schematics on not only pilot plant but also large scale manufacturing.

How much is 4,000,000 units of penicillin g in mg?,

1 mg of penicillin G may be equivalent to anywhere from 1000-1600 units of penicillin, depending on what it's formulated with (potassium, sodium, procaine or benzathine.) I assume you're talking about penicillin G potassium, which would mean 1 mg = 1440-1680 units, so 4 million units would be anywhere from 2380-2778 mg of penicillin G.

Targets of Penicillin G and Vancomycin. Gram positive or negative?, I would like to know why is Gram-negative bacteria impermeable to penicillin G?

I know that vancomycin kills Gram-positive bacteria, but can it kill Gram-negative bacteria as well?And how? I think it is too large to enter the outer membrane of Gram-nagative bacteria.

The 'mycin' group of antibiotics are all gram-positive effective. You're thinking of broad-spectrum antibiotics, like Bactrim, Septra DS and Ciprofloxicin. They usually use a combination of drugs such as Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim in a combination of dosages.

Penicillin G Potassium 300,000 U IM gid; available dose: 1,000,000 U vial, given a 20ml sterile water diluent?, Please let me know what the answer is and how you solved it. Thank you.

Basically when you put 20ml of water (diluent) in the vial, that 20 ml would contain 1,000,000 U of penicillin.

If there's 1,000,000 U in 20 ml, then 300,000 U would be present in 6ml.

(300,000 U x 20ml) / 1,000,000 U = 6 ml

he average mass of ONE molecule of penicillin G is 5.55 x 10^-22 g.?, Calculate the molar mass of penicillin G. Remember: molar mass is the mass of 1 mole.

a) 289 g
b) 321 g
c) 334 g
d) 265 g

1 mole = 6.022 * 10^23 molecules

molar mass = 6.022 * 10^23 * 5.55 * 10^(-22)
= 334.22g (c)

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